Thursday, July 24, 2008

Boo Who?

A 'new' composer to the "Oh, Sure whynot!" dazzles in his debut...I give you "Guy"

Boo Radley - - Who is he really?

Many of us know Boo Radley from the novel “To Kill a Mocking Bird” and think of him solely as a fictional character but I am here to tell you that he is real and currently living in Chicago. Boo Radley (“Boo”) is currently living in Burton’s Place but has been living in Chicago for almost ten years now. He originally moved to Chicago in 1998 to the Wrigleyville area, a gimp. Boo is a gimp and tries to conceal his gimp-ness by living in dark, dilapidated, shit hole places. He was originally discovered by Robby and Guy. Robby and Guy proceeded to abuse this gimp for years for pure pleasure, always after a few beam and cokes. Boo, the gimp that he is, would never try to fight back because he is a gimp and can not defend himself. Boo obviously grew weary of these continuous beatings from Robby and moved into the Old Town area. He found a dark alley in Cobbler Square (a local shit hole in Old Town) where he lived for over 2 years. Shortly after his move he was recognized by Bob, one of Robby and Guy’s friends. Bob recognized him from his old run down basement where he used to take part in some of the beatings with Robby. He also remembered peeing all over Boo’s house. At first sight Bob beat the crap out of this gimp and then proceeded to call Robby who came over, got drunk, blacked out and then beat this gimp again and again. After the winter of 2007, the gimp (Boo) moved to the top floor of Burton’s place (since he moved there the doors have been chained shut, locking him in). No one knows what boo does up there, probably Gimp things. But I believe that he spends most of his days laying there in his filth and trying to catch rats.


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