Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sheffield Garden Walk Weekend - A Look Back (CONT)


If you read the previous post you already know that mine and Friend's Saturday has already been quite a long day.

We get going again around 11am. I head over to the party venue and Friend meets me there after finding a new place to live, which ends up being a few houses down from the party locale...Congrats!

At this point neither of us are in the mood for anything alcoholic. Upon entering the party apt, I smell something that almost sent me right for a trash can. After asking my buddy what this was, I receive this answer..
"Oh its Jungle Juice!"
Me "Oh shit, yea I should know that"
Buddy "Yea its pretty potent too....Handle and a half of Morgan, Handle of Bacardi, and (2) Handles of Everclear" He says with a grin.
Me "Well this should be a fun day"

The Kegs and Juice were out and ready by about 12:30pm and the people started to flock in. The cops tried keeping people in the yards and off the streets by giving out tickets but they were soon overwhelmed and just gave up. Things that were interesting throughout the day...

1. The fruit that had been soaking in the Jungle Juice since the night before came out to being the equivalent to shot per piece of fruit. So when several people we taking full glasses of Juice it made for quite the scene. And the fruit was like a ticking time bomb, the apples being the strongest of all. Each time someone took a piece and put it in there mouth, they claimed it wasn't so bad. THEN a few seconds later the faces abruptly changed to painful grimaces. Priceless.

2. Goldfish Throwing Contest...Get a Costco sized bag of goldfish and see how many people's cups you can throw them into without them noticing. Very fun.

3. I congratulated a guy for trying to start a new fashion trend. Black Under Armour long sleeve mock turtle neck with a Gold "$" sign necklace hanging down to his waist. He didn't get it, which made it THAT much better.

The day went on for a long time, with about 7 rain delays....but all in all a great day. Wish I could have lasted longer, but the 930am wake up call after going to bed at 7am was quite taxing. If you ask me if I'd do it again, I'd probably reply, Sure Whynot!


Anonymous said...

Late Saturday night about 3AM we decided that Boo Radley lives in the top floor of Burton's Place. Does that surprise anyone?

Anonymous said...